We take the integrity of our guests’ hair very seriously
At Sally Adams we take the integrity of our guests’ hair very seriously and whilst it’s taken some time, we now feel we have the right product to achieve fabulous results with. This product, Cocochoco, is vegan and cruelty free so fully aligns with all the other brands we use and retail in salon. Cocochoco have decades of research behind them which has enabled them to optimise their ingredients, replacing synthetic chemicals with naturally derived alternatives, where possible.
The Cocochoco Gold Keratin Treatment not only regenerates, rebuilds and effectively straightens hair, it also provides extraordinary shine and gloss. Due to its unique structure and technology, the treatment helps to reduce static electricity accumulation on your hair and protects it from humidity, salt water and rain. These qualities prevent the keratin within the hair from washing away, in addition to reducing frizz and providing a natural elasticity and healthy appearance.
If you have damaged, unruly or dyed hair, Cocochoco Gold Keratin offers several benefits, including:
- • Nourishment for the hair, which rebuilds damaged strands and reinforces healthy ones.
- • Straightening & smoothing of the hair, making it more obedient & easier to stylize.
- • The hair will become more manageable, easier to style, and resistant to humidity. It will feel noticeably softer and silkier, with added life & shine.
- • Protection against harmful UV radiation on sunny days, & moisture on wet days.
- • Up to 60% reduction in drying & fashioning time